'Something, Somewhere, Somehow'

“Something unexplainable drew her to him,
Something human words cannot describe,
Something written in the light of his soul,
Something which made her feel more alive.

Something familiar and powerful,
Which danced in and out of time,
Something which whispered from his soul,
Something ancient now recognized.

Like petals on a flower unfolding,
Like treasure now finally found,
Like the key to a mystery now solved,
The vibration of his sound.

Happiness and hope now called to him,
The angels said she needed him near,
They said he was waiting to receive,
The love he showed with no fear.

They told him love had been withheld from her,
Through a journey of trial and error,
She saw his compassion toward others,
But earthly life isn't always balanced or fair.

She too walked without love,
For too long a time now it seemed,
And something about finding him,
Was like entering into a dream.

She showed him that love was still real here,
That it was time now for him to receive,
To balance the love he gave out,
It was time for him to believe.

To achieve balance in what one gives,
Gifts of love when least expected,
When it's time to heal old wounds,
From what was previously neglected.

To recognize each other,
To honor love as a gift,
Is to experience something beautiful in this life,
As vibrations rise and shift.”


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